Thursday, June 19, 2014

Aruna Raaga :)

Its been already two more times of visit to RVM Foundation.But wanted to put down in my blog not to forget those moments...!

While we were waiting for a trigger to visit RVM,like somebody really heard us we got a birthday decoration order.Shahina and me took it up as it would give a service oriented money which was the approach we were heading towards. Several questions were raised like "Don't you feel it below status to take up such work?""Will your dad agree for such things?".But nothing really counted as the purpose was important and nothing is below dignity and more than anything the work was inline with our interest.Finally decorated the birthday hall with the help of some great hands was all very fun filled :D Loved that day though we toiled a little.

Birthday hall we decorated
From then came the day we met our RVM friends :).It was quite an interesting day with waking up early,accompanied by uncle and Shahina,shopping and bargaining for fruits..I felt like I could start of a fruit selling business ;).Towards the end of our shopping came the RVM van with a volunteer.Here is when I met a phenomenal person !!Aruna......What a charming girl!While we introduced each other Aruna just smiled at us,but that communication was more than words.Since our shopping was done,it was time to carry and dump all fruit bags each one as heavy as 30 kgs.Both of us were looking for helpers while Aruna came and asked us to put the bag over her shoulders! For a moment we were shocked..but this was no big deal for her.With a warm smile she happily helped us.I am really amazed at her simplicity and cheerfulness .

Finally reached RVM ,distributed fruits and saw their faces glowing.It was nice to see them happy.But we couldn't stop laughing when many took the peels out and started throwing them all at once and were rejoicing at that shower not bothering about the guards screaming .They were totally in their own world.:).To wrap things up,we ate up there and Aruna bid us adieu by accompanying till the bus stop. I was very curious to know as to how she ended up there and started a conversation.Got to know that she was working in an IT firm ,but was inspired to do MSW( Master of Social Work ) and then joined there.That was really motivating.So much of humility!!Hats Off to those working in darkness to bring in brightness to others lives!! :) :)

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